Updated below (after the jump) with second half "call" and post-match wrap up.
Neal Thurman: sigh - Rooney and Valencia in, Fabio out (apparently the Evra resting thing was a red herring)
Neal Thurman: O'Shea was the right choice
Jeremy Spitzberg: boo
Jeremy Spitzberg: well, if i had to pick 2 outta 3...
Jeremy Spitzberg: those would be the two
Neal Thurman: grr
Jeremy Spitzberg: espn3?
Neal Thurman: I'm still between internet providers so I don't have an ESPN3 account to use right now :-(
Jeremy Spitzberg: loading
Jeremy Spitzberg: nice
Jeremy Spitzberg: MAX BRETOS?
Jeremy Spitzberg: oh hell no
Neal Thurman: yeah, he went over to ESPN over the summer
Neal Thurman: just when you thought it was safe...
Jeremy Spitzberg: yuck
Jeremy Spitzberg: carroll is a big dude
Jeremy Spitzberg: not pretty either
Jeremy Spitzberg: fabio not even on the bench
Jeremy Spitzberg: sigh
Neal Thurman: oh well - my only non-starter of the weekend which puts me up on lots of people - now I can comfortably root for a ManYoo loss, Rooney RC, etc
Jeremy Spitzberg: comm shield Owen's swan song?
Neal Thurman: could be - nice of SAF to give him a send-off but would have been nice if he'd told any/everybody
Jeremy Spitzberg: nufc just shading it early
Jeremy Spitzberg: actual posession in the attacking 1/2
Jeremy Spitzberg: manu haven't gotten that yet
Jeremy Spitzberg: nani keeps trying to force it in to rooney
Jeremy Spitzberg: nothing doing yet
Neal Thurman: even better - Valencia not touching it and Rooney not being allowed to take possession :-)
Jeremy Spitzberg: so far it's all neal
Jeremy Spitzberg: routledge is fast
Neal Thurman: homeless man's Lennon?
Jeremy Spitzberg: lol
Jeremy Spitzberg: could be a poor man's
Jeremy Spitzberg: depending on both's performances
Jeremy Spitzberg: rooney curls one high and wide from the left corner of the box
Neal Thurman: fair enough - homeless man's Lennon from early Spring 2010; Poor man's Lennon from the rest of his career
Jeremy Spitzberg: carroll wins the first corner of the game
Jeremy Spitzberg: have i mentioned that he's a big dude?
Jeremy Spitzberg: 6'3" according to Wikipedia
Neal Thurman: you had mentioned that - he still have that silly samuri topknot thingy on his head?
Jeremy Spitzberg: barton takes and ooooh carroll just wide
Jeremy Spitzberg: tell me if i'm sharing too much
Jeremy Spitzberg: he does
Jeremy Spitzberg: again, not pretty
Jeremy Spitzberg: but big
Neal Thurman: I'm good with as much info as you can share since I'm not going to go back and watch a replay later
Jeremy Spitzberg: nani shoot wide
Jeremy Spitzberg: but it's a corner to the hosts
Jeremy Spitzberg: carroll clears it
Neal Thurman: go you big punk
Jeremy Spitzberg: Alan Smith sighting
Jeremy Spitzberg: carroll v. vidic
Neal Thurman: did he start? or just watching on the bench?
Jeremy Spitzberg: heavyweight
Jeremy Spitzberg: start
Jeremy Spitzberg: gettting "involved"
Jeremy Spitzberg: he and scholes
Neal Thurman: when does he not get "involved"
Jeremy Spitzberg: middleweight undercard
Neal Thurman: ha
Jeremy Spitzberg: nani taking all manu's kicks
Neal Thurman: The Old and the Reckless
Jeremy Spitzberg: centrally...
Jeremy Spitzberg: 35yds out
Jeremy Spitzberg: into the wall
Jeremy Spitzberg: manu a little all over the place
Jeremy Spitzberg: pressure?
Jeremy Spitzberg: have to win by 6?
Neal Thurman: Chelsea already in their heads?
Jeremy Spitzberg: carroll shoot from outside the box
Jeremy Spitzberg: evds down to save it
Jeremy Spitzberg: started from a poor rooney control
Jeremy Spitzberg: meanwhile barton - sporting a porn moustache - clips nani
Jeremy Spitzberg: yc for barton
Jeremy Spitzberg: tony award for nani
Neal Thurman: Awesome - we'll need to find a pic of Barton with the 'stache
Jeremy Spitzberg: for the archives?
Jeremy Spitzberg: giggs warming up
Jeremy Spitzberg: but just to sell it
Neal Thurman: and for occasional comic relief
Jeremy Spitzberg: rooney trying really hard
Jeremy Spitzberg: but only shoots wide
Jeremy Spitzberg: slow and off target
Neal Thurman: here's hoping trying hard eventually equals YC :-)
Jeremy Spitzberg: valencia FC
Jeremy Spitzberg: -.5
Neal Thurman: woohoo
Neal Thurman: -pts is...
Jeremy Spitzberg: 2nd yc of the night goes to...
Jeremy Spitzberg: james perch, come on down
Jeremy Spitzberg: again on nani
Jeremy Spitzberg: cheap suit is the phrase that comes to mind
Jeremy Spitzberg: 40yds on the left
Neal Thurman: is this just Nani teasing us again? or is he ready to realize some of that promise?
Jeremy Spitzberg: rooney and nani over it
Neal Thurman: come on Nani :-)
Jeremy Spitzberg: into the wall
Jeremy Spitzberg: again
Jeremy Spitzberg: nolan with a cut on the back of his head from vidic
Neal Thurman: ouch
Jeremy Spitzberg: vidic promises to "break him" in his best ivan drago voice
Neal Thurman: HA
Jeremy Spitzberg: evra tangles with routledge and loses!
Jeremy Spitzberg: routledge hacked by berbs
Neal Thurman: speaking of which, who would have guessed that Dolph would get into the Action Hero Superstars movie
Jeremy Spitzberg: #rattled
Neal Thurman: Arnold...Sly...Willis...Jet Li...Statham...Rourke...and...
Neal Thurman: Lundgren?
Jeremy Spitzberg: rocky. punisher. um... ??
Jeremy Spitzberg: red scorpion?
Jeremy Spitzberg: scholes shot on
Jeremy Spitzberg: rooney cursing nani for not passing to him
Jeremy Spitzberg: nani tried the shot which was blocked
Neal Thurman: like to see Rooney agitated like that
Jeremy Spitzberg: both rooney and berbs were open
Neal Thurman: (or at least hear about it)
Jeremy Spitzberg: i'm so descriptive it's like you're seeing it
Neal Thurman: it does feel that way - certainly more so than BBC text cast
Jeremy Spitzberg: manu can't pass for shit
Jeremy Spitzberg: everything right into an NUFC chest
Jeremy Spitzberg: or dibble for that matter...
Neal Thurman: sad since this is their "attacking" line-up
Neal Thurman: honestly, if Rooney doesn't score 25+ you wonder where the goals will come from
Jeremy Spitzberg: chicharito
Neal Thurman: Berbs maybe 8; Nani maybe 6; Valencia 4 or 5; smattering for Giggs, Fletch, defenders
Jeremy Spitzberg: nani cross wins a corner
Jeremy Spitzberg: valencia to take
Neal Thurman: my luck it will be Valencia to Rooney goal
Jeremy Spitzberg: is it successful if manu gets it at the halfway line?
Jeremy Spitzberg: curled, not touched
Neal Thurman: lol, I think not
Jeremy Spitzberg: rooney feeds valencia wide...
Jeremy Spitzberg: cross deep to berbs...
Jeremy Spitzberg: cushions it down but behind rooney
Jeremy Spitzberg: who swivels
Jeremy Spitzberg: and shotts
Jeremy Spitzberg: shoots
Jeremy Spitzberg: over
Neal Thurman: phew
Jeremy Spitzberg: pt for me, maybe
Jeremy Spitzberg: so valencia in the black
Neal Thurman: so you have that going for you...
Jeremy Spitzberg: rooney dribbles it off a back-tracking defender's ankle
Neal Thurman: he he he
Jeremy Spitzberg: this is going to end with nani crossing for fletcher
Jeremy Spitzberg: berba from scholes
Jeremy Spitzberg: so i was close
Jeremy Spitzberg: or not
Neal Thurman: did they score?
Jeremy Spitzberg: y
Neal Thurman: boo
Neal Thurman: but could be worse
Jeremy Spitzberg: scholes pass tips off enrique's toes and berb finishs back across harper
Jeremy Spitzberg: #barndoor
Neal Thurman: lol
Jeremy Spitzberg: carroll abuses o'shea but cross doesn't find anyone
Jeremy Spitzberg: rooney on the ball on the counter
Jeremy Spitzberg: tipped away from him
Neal Thurman: feel the steam starting to build inside Rooney's head, he's getting frustrated :-)
Jeremy Spitzberg: he and I both
Neal Thurman: Barton booked, giving watching world chance to see close-up of comedy moustache. Not shaving until #NUFC win league game
Jeremy Spitzberg: lol
Neal Thurman: FourFourTwo retweeted that from somewhere
Jeremy Spitzberg: fletcher
Jeremy Spitzberg: 2-0
Jeremy Spitzberg: do they have 4 more in them
Jeremy Spitzberg: from rooney
Neal Thurman: boo
Jeremy Spitzberg: well, he killed an evra cross for fletcher to knock home
Neal Thurman: sounds like an assist to me
Jeremy Spitzberg: should be
Neal Thurman: as much as I'd like to avoid that conclusion
Jeremy Spitzberg: a $19 assist so far
Neal Thurman: now if only he'd wipe that out with a YC we'd be in good shape
Jeremy Spitzberg: only a matter of time
Neal Thurman: maybe but with ManYoo scoring he's got to be feeling better about things
Neal Thurman: plus halftime coming up to help him cool down
Neal Thurman: maybe he'll go Joe Cole Crazy as the half comes to a close
Jeremy Spitzberg: lol
Jeremy Spitzberg: JCC. i love it
Jeremy Spitzberg: nani has been shot!
Jeremy Spitzberg: no wait
Jeremy Spitzberg: wasn't even fouled
Neal Thurman: YC?
Jeremy Spitzberg: acted like he'd been shot
Jeremy Spitzberg: nothing
Jeremy Spitzberg: halftime
Jeremy Spitzberg: and we're off for the 2nd half
Neal Thurman: Rooney rested?
Jeremy Spitzberg: have a 1:30 meeting so i better figure out what I want to do...
Jeremy Spitzberg: barn door wise
Neal Thurman: has Berbs done anything other than the goal?
Jeremy Spitzberg: no
Neal Thurman: plus the test gets harder next week on the road at FUL who were excellent at home last season
Jeremy Spitzberg: then home to WHU
Jeremy Spitzberg: valencia can't handle the long switch
Jeremy Spitzberg: goal kick
Neal Thurman: so far so good
Jeremy Spitzberg: scholes wipes out nolan in midfield
Jeremy Spitzberg: yc
Jeremy Spitzberg: so he's back to evens, more or less
Jeremy Spitzberg: YC, assist
Jeremy Spitzberg: it's like Edu never left Arsenal
Neal Thurman: ah, feels like its a season now - Scholes in the book for a bad challenge
Neal Thurman: wonder what we'll do after he retires...
Neal Thurman: will Joe Cole take over the mantle of crap for England, overrated in fantasy, and bad tackling CM "in the hole"?
Jeremy Spitzberg: rooney dawdles, then goes down a la nani
Jeremy Spitzberg: nothing
Jeremy Spitzberg: nufc counter
Jeremy Spitzberg: long shot from carroll pads vds' stats
Jeremy Spitzberg: rooney open..
Jeremy Spitzberg: shoots...
Jeremy Spitzberg: cleared by williamson
Neal Thurman: still living a charmed life
Jeremy Spitzberg: rooney to berbs...
Jeremy Spitzberg: who chips it just wide
Jeremy Spitzberg: should have been a goal
Jeremy Spitzberg: sorry, it was scholes who "did a nani"
Jeremy Spitzberg: fletcher wipes out barton this time
Jeremy Spitzberg: yc
Jeremy Spitzberg: ye olde trailing leg
Jeremy Spitzberg: feed interrupted by a homo-erotic ad for some sort of exercise doo-hickey
Jeremy Spitzberg: crap
Neal Thurman: lol
Jeremy Spitzberg: shake weight
Jeremy Spitzberg: i had shake weight in college
Jeremy Spitzberg: Dairy Queen too close to campus
Neal Thurman: HA
Neal Thurman: that thing is really funny
Neal Thurman: have seen the ads and they look like they're for sex toys
Jeremy Spitzberg: exactly
Jeremy Spitzberg: reloading
Jeremy Spitzberg: there we go
Jeremy Spitzberg: hernandez getting his instructions
Jeremy Spitzberg: please be for berbs
Jeremy Spitzberg: please
Jeremy Spitzberg: please
Neal Thurman: and...
Jeremy Spitzberg: on form, it should be for rooney
Jeremy Spitzberg: ball still in play
Neal Thurman: esp if the hammy is a worry
Jeremy Spitzberg: here it comes...
Jeremy Spitzberg: and rooney
Jeremy Spitzberg: F#CK
Jeremy Spitzberg: sigh
Jeremy Spitzberg: and all those
Neal Thurman: no "grrr" in there :-)
Jeremy Spitzberg: implied
Neal Thurman: of course
Jeremy Spitzberg: i just remembered I have Valencia too
Jeremy Spitzberg: grrrrrrrrr
Neal Thurman: there's the grr
Jeremy Spitzberg: $30 for 5pts at the moment
Neal Thurman: at least Rooney left without a YC :-)
Jeremy Spitzberg: make that $36 (fabio)
Jeremy Spitzberg: rap up later
Jeremy Spitzberg: wrap up
Neal Thurman: sounds good - cioa
Neal Thurman: ciao
And later...
Neal Thurman: any BD material?
Jeremy Spitzberg: cham/faub --> berbs
Jeremy Spitzberg: for no real reason
Jeremy Spitzberg: probably won't last through the door being open
Jeremy Spitzberg: just wanted to do something
Neal Thurman: I went Fabio/DSil to O'Shea/Scholes for the heck of doing it
Neal Thurman: but also unlikely to stick
Jeremy Spitzberg: looked scholes, but didn't have the spot for him
Neal Thurman: I had two options (MPet being the other)
Jeremy Spitzberg: he went up in $ though, albeit a few cents
Neal Thurman: most likely will move O'Shea to Djourou if it looks like he's going to make it back for Blackpool - if it ends up being Song partnering Verm then I'm not sure what I'll do
Neal Thurman: might try to get to Verm
Jeremy Spitzberg: what to do re:ferreira?
Neal Thurman: I sold him for now but his price is low after a bad week so no rush
Jeremy Spitzberg: i like the idea of faubert
Jeremy Spitzberg: but don't have too much faith that he's long for the first team
Neal Thurman: agreed - too many guys as options
Jeremy Spitzberg: will we get work on Cesc this week?
Jeremy Spitzberg: if not mpet to nasri could be on the cards
Jeremy Spitzberg: in the cards?
Neal Thurman: in the cards and could be
Jeremy Spitzberg: even though i like bolton@whu
Neal Thurman: I agree about bol @ whu and not THAT thrilled with Nasri after Sicky made all of ARS's other midfielders look bad by coming in and being much more effective
Jeremy Spitzberg: lol
Jeremy Spitzberg: but liv v. blackpool
Neal Thurman: true
Neal Thurman: but I've witnessed ARS at home frustrated by a modestly talented team that tries real hard and puts 11 behind the ball
Jeremy Spitzberg: but saying that, who to go for on CHE, b/c blackpool v wigan ;-)
Neal Thurman: worked out for them in the last seconds but not nearly the fantasy haul you would have expected from ARS/WOL
Neal Thurman: completely agree there - keeping Drogs/FloMal for sure
Neal Thurman: probably will regret dumping Cech
Neal Thurman: but needed the cash
Jeremy Spitzberg: where did Gerrard get 15pts?
Neal Thurman: took all the kicks
Jeremy Spitzberg: i was thinking he would come down in price
Jeremy Spitzberg: blech
Jeremy Spitzberg: yc too
Jeremy Spitzberg: kirkland will be a buck next week
Neal Thurman: and deservedly so
Jeremy Spitzberg: unless al-habsi gets the call
Neal Thurman: will be interesting to see what Martinez does after that flop
Neal Thurman: needs to do something to shake it up
Neal Thurman: guess the good news is that Kos will be cheap for the rest of the ARS cakewalk after this coming weekend
Jeremy Spitzberg: lol
Neal Thurman: the next 3 or 4 ARS matches are pretty unimpressive
Jeremy Spitzberg: @rovers
Jeremy Spitzberg: yuck
Jeremy Spitzberg: meanwhile stoke@che
Neal Thurman: @BLA, BOL, @SUN, WBA before @CHE
Jeremy Spitzberg: and whu@manu
Jeremy Spitzberg: so kos a BD after @bla ;-)
Neal Thurman: I'd put him in @BLA unless they find themselves a striker (and/or Dunn recovers from his 9th minute injury)
Neal Thurman: must be a new record for him
Jeremy Spitzberg: surely
Neal Thurman: well, not surely
Neal Thurman: but possibly
Jeremy Spitzberg: true. could have missed a season start before
Neal Thurman: that wouldn't count - but wouldn't be shocked to learn he was injured in the 5th minute of a season before ;-)
Neal Thurman: ok, I'm heading home - more tomorrow
Jeremy Spitzberg: g'night
Neal Thurman: 'night
any player BD from MU?
ReplyDeleteI liked Carroll for Newcastle and brought Nani in momentarily just in case.
ReplyDeleteHard to overlook Berbatov as well, though in the end I probably will.
ReplyDeleteyeah I'm thinking about Berba as well Jeremy, really hard to get him in with keepers Drogba, Malouda, Bale in my line-up for next week.
ReplyDeleteMy line-up so far is...
Oh and I'm seriously considering Henderson(sunderland) for next week vs. West Brom.
ReplyDeleteCarson and Henderson? Hedging your bets?
ReplyDeleteWhat website/application are you using to watch EPL on your HTC? Being an iPad owner, I would be very interested!
ReplyDeleteI just use the photos from Flickr via the Creative Commons license. That's one is pretty cool though.
ReplyDeleteI was watching the match at my desk thanks to ESPN3, which is pretty cool in it's own right.
Jeremy - Well hoping SOT's for Henderson and saves from Carson atm. Goalkeeper spot is still in the making though, Carson's just cheap and better bet than Kirk.
ReplyDelete...but West Brom keeper would be a gamble.
ReplyDeleteJust noticed that Yahoo forgot to count Etherington's assist. He should have been given 4 more points. If you still have any connection with the game's managers, Jeremy and Neal, I'll be glad if you told them that, it could make a big difference for me.
do you guys have jobs?
ReplyDeleteIt's worth pointing out that Rooney hasn't scored since March. That's 13 matches for United and England, all relatively competitive (Int'l friendlies and the Charity Shield have at least a little heat), and zero goals. More than just a little slump. So maybe "Rooney or Drogs?" isn't much of a question anymore. I could see him falling to say 15-18 goals this year in the Prem.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I tend to think ManU's midfield is a lot better than Neal gives them credit, and the chances will still be generated. Does this make Berbs much more of a value? He's a natural poacher and could easily jump back above 20 if Rooney isn't scoring at the same pace.
what about barton?? i didn't see the game.. is he taking the free kicks and corners?
ReplyDeleteyou two, always with the scholes hating! i recall its been 'the ghost of paul scholes' for the last few (6?) seasons... do you mean floating past defenders like they aren't there and inspiring terror in the opposition?