For what it's worth, four of these players are on display today.
Neal Thurman: wow, no DSilva vs. Liv
Neal Thurman: Hart, Richards, K. Toure, Kompany, Lescott, De Jong, Barry, Y. Toure, Milner, A. Johnson, Tevez
Neal Thurman: 5 Ms, no Silva, and still no K2 - not going to go well for them today is it?
Neal Thurman: Liverpool on the other hand going all out in attack and have Ngog, Torres, Kuyt, Jovanovic, and Gerrard all starting
Jeremy Spitzberg: wow
Jeremy Spitzberg: citeh at home, right?
Neal Thurman: yup
Jeremy Spitzberg: milner wide right?
Neal Thurman: I know he's Italian and all but isn't this the same Mancini who regularly played Inter to 4-3 matches with all sorts of crazy twists and turns?
Jeremy Spitzberg: he and aj crossing for...
Jeremy Spitzberg: um...
Jeremy Spitzberg: never mind
Jeremy Spitzberg: they'll swap flanks so they can come inside
Jeremy Spitzberg: someone described mancini's inter teams as "let's keep it tight and ibra will do something to win it for us"
Neal Thurman: I remember watching them come back from 3-0 to win 4-3 in the last 20 minutes at least once while he was there (pre-match-fixing scandal) and remember the reverse happening at least once as well
Neal Thurman: maybe he manages differently when he (theoretically) has more talent but when Inter was 3rd best behind Milan and Juve he seemed to let fly a bit more
Jeremy Spitzberg: it's crazy
Jeremy Spitzberg: three holding players to protect 4 center backs
Neal Thurman: and they STILL aren't going to stop anyone
Jeremy Spitzberg: guess toure gets forward, but all i've ever seen him do is play balls over the top
Jeremy Spitzberg: sometimes it works out...
Jeremy Spitzberg: often times not
Jeremy Spitzberg: especially if your fwd players are silva and swp
Jeremy Spitzberg: or aj and milner as the case may be
Neal Thurman: I mean, Spurs went through them like they weren't there in the first half
Jeremy Spitzberg: with tevez dropping deeper and deeper
Neal Thurman: 4-6-0
Jeremy Spitzberg: balotelli saved for Europe?
Jeremy Spitzberg: Jo to Fulham! ;-)
Neal Thurman: lol
Jeremy Spitzberg: will be interesting to see if liv are in 4-4-2
Jeremy Spitzberg: jova and kuyt wide?
Jeremy Spitzberg: without jcole he's changing formations?
Neal Thurman: seems likely
Jeremy Spitzberg: or torres being back the bigger factor?
Neal Thurman: most likely JCole replaces N'gog
Jeremy Spitzberg: but cole plays deeper than ngog
Jeremy Spitzberg: though we'll see
Neal Thurman: perhaps but no real like-for-like alternative available
Neal Thurman: unless you want to move Maxi centrally (blech)
Jeremy Spitzberg: no, but kuyt could move infield
Neal Thurman: true but I like him more as the right side of a 4-3-3 much more than as the 2nd striker in a 4-4-2
Jeremy Spitzberg: leaves LIV with no strikers on the bench
Jeremy Spitzberg: for what it's worth
Jeremy Spitzberg: while not even enough room for all of citeh's
Jeremy Spitzberg: jo to liv!
Neal Thurman: lol
Neal Thurman: heck, he's over 6' tall - Jo to the Citeh starting line-up
Jeremy Spitzberg: lol
Neal Thurman: Balotelli is apparently out with a knee
Jeremy Spitzberg: thank you, neal simmons
Neal Thurman: :-)
Jeremy Spitzberg: alright...
Jeremy Spitzberg: time to fire up espn3
Neal Thurman: nice - any reports are welcome
Jeremy Spitzberg: will do
Jeremy Spitzberg: after these important messages
Neal Thurman: lol
Neal Thurman: go on Joe Hart
Jeremy Spitzberg: that's right...
Jeremy Spitzberg: this means something
Jeremy Spitzberg: c'mon torres
Jeremy Spitzberg: c'mon liv
Neal Thurman: assuming, you know, Yahoo ever updates scoring
Jeremy Spitzberg: right...
Jeremy Spitzberg: theoretically, the game means something
Jeremy Spitzberg: espn has kuty left and jova right
Jeremy Spitzberg: that doesn't seem like a very accurate graphic
Neal Thurman: I'm sure they'll be switching sides just like AJ and Milner anyway
Jeremy Spitzberg: and we're underway
Neal Thurman: wingers with fixed positions are so bottom half of the table
Jeremy Spitzberg: liv totally dominating possession ;-)
Neal Thurman: HA
Jeremy Spitzberg: first ball over the top from citeh that tevez can't jump high enough to catch
Jeremy Spitzberg: from richards
Jeremy Spitzberg: just ate a pepper in my kung pao
Jeremy Spitzberg: ugh
Jeremy Spitzberg: not happy
Jeremy Spitzberg: focus, spitzberg
Jeremy Spitzberg: water break
Neal Thurman: that was quick - even Andy Reid doesn't need a water break that quickly
Jeremy Spitzberg: he's not chewing hot peppers on the pitch
Jeremy Spitzberg: i don't think
Jeremy Spitzberg: last ditch tackle as torres tries to shoot
Jeremy Spitzberg: citeh break and skrtel destroys AJ
Jeremy Spitzberg: never mind... just a hip check
Jeremy Spitzberg: yc anyway
Jeremy Spitzberg: aj to take (on the right)
Jeremy Spitzberg: cleared and liv break
Jeremy Spitzberg: another fk for aj..
Jeremy Spitzberg: same spot
Jeremy Spitzberg: rolls this one but same result
Jeremy Spitzberg: liv build with gj
Jeremy Spitzberg: ngog sot
Jeremy Spitzberg: slow roller from long range
Jeremy Spitzberg: hart with 2pts
Neal Thurman: woohoo
Jeremy Spitzberg: can tevez be "in the hole" if he's playing beteween mid and D but is still the farthest player fwd?
Neal Thurman: can't imagine how
Jeremy Spitzberg: great tackle from milner denies another shooting chance
Jeremy Spitzberg: citeh break but milner again clobbers it off a defender
Jeremy Spitzberg: throw
Jeremy Spitzberg: aj screamer just wide!~
Neal Thurman: sounds like an interesting match at least
Jeremy Spitzberg: agger WAY up the pitch
Jeremy Spitzberg: another slow roller and hart saves
Jeremy Spitzberg: not sure this was on target but hart still went down and got it
Jeremy Spitzberg: AJ still looks lost if you force him wide right
Jeremy Spitzberg: all he can do it turn on his left and play the ball back
Jeremy Spitzberg: milner in a free role
Jeremy Spitzberg: crosses for barry to score!
Neal Thurman: wow
Jeremy Spitzberg: milner on the right (overloading agger) all the space in the world
Neal Thurman: can we just end the match now?
Jeremy Spitzberg: barry coming in late
Jeremy Spitzberg: opens his body and hits it with his left foot
Jeremy Spitzberg: across reina and in
Jeremy Spitzberg: terrible from liv
Jeremy Spitzberg: milner in the box (albeit wide) with no one on him
Jeremy Spitzberg: here they come again
Jeremy Spitzberg: toure to tevez who hits the side netting
Jeremy Spitzberg: caragher "tussling" with him
Neal Thurman: maybe you can play with no strikers
Jeremy Spitzberg: richards cleans out gerrard, who is evidently playing for Liv today though you wouldn't know it
Jeremy Spitzberg: free kick
Jeremy Spitzberg: hart punches clear
Jeremy Spitzberg: citeh break again
Jeremy Spitzberg: goal kick
Jeremy Spitzberg: no, citeh throw
Neal Thurman: was Hart's punch from a cross or will it count as a SOT/Save?
Jeremy Spitzberg: no
Jeremy Spitzberg: cross
Jeremy Spitzberg: lescott looks S L O W
Jeremy Spitzberg: ponderous, even
Neal Thurman: that's because he IS slow
Neal Thurman: ponderous even
Jeremy Spitzberg: liv would do well to attack him
Jeremy Spitzberg: here they go...
Jeremy Spitzberg: ngog at the corner flag
Jeremy Spitzberg: lescott did enough
Jeremy Spitzberg: liverpool moving the ball around at lescott pace
Jeremy Spitzberg: citeh are at least breaking quickly
Jeremy Spitzberg: lucas fouls milner
Jeremy Spitzberg: aj comes over to take the kick
Jeremy Spitzberg: milner rolls it to him and he loops in a cross that goes out for a citeh throw (thanks to agger)
Jeremy Spitzberg: no posession for liv
Jeremy Spitzberg: all citeh
Neal Thurman: that's what I like to hear
Jeremy Spitzberg: barry tries to double up when he should have passed
Jeremy Spitzberg: aston villa 1 - liverpool 0 ;-)
Neal Thurman: HA
Jeremy Spitzberg: de jong gets his last warning
Jeremy Spitzberg: citeh have so many defending and just hitting liv again and again on the counter
Jeremy Spitzberg: no answer
Jeremy Spitzberg: where's masch when you need him?
Neal Thurman: somewhere in Liverpool, Elvis Costello is wondering where Masch is to keep those attacks from his defenders
Neal Thurman: jinx
Jeremy Spitzberg: i don't get the elvis reference
Jeremy Spitzberg: he a big liv fan?
Neal Thurman: yup - I watched the epic LIV/WHU FA Cup final with him (and many others) at a soccer bar in ATL
Jeremy Spitzberg: wow
Jeremy Spitzberg: very cool
Neal Thurman: definitely
Jeremy Spitzberg: liv can't get the ball in citeh's half
Neal Thurman: just walked in and sat himself down with the crowd about 20 min into the match
Neal Thurman: as that was probably the nadir of my soccer-crush on FFASDA I mostly stayed away but still...
Jeremy Spitzberg: did i mention it was all citeh?
Neal Thurman: you had mentioned that, yes
Jeremy Spitzberg: Roy has some thinkiing to do
Jeremy Spitzberg: richards dealing with jova well enough
Jeremy Spitzberg: tevez twists and turns but loses out
Jeremy Spitzberg: liv...
Jeremy Spitzberg: get the ball to the center circle
Jeremy Spitzberg: barry ends that move with a foul
Neal Thurman: sad that that represents forward progress
Jeremy Spitzberg: gj sells torres short, move ends
Jeremy Spitzberg: tevez with the ball in the defensive third now
Neal Thurman: whose defensive third?
Jeremy Spitzberg: his own
Jeremy Spitzberg: kuyt VERY frustrated
Neal Thurman: who does he outlet the ball to if he's in his own third?
Jeremy Spitzberg: can't tell how gerrard feels...
Jeremy Spitzberg: haven't seen him yet
Jeremy Spitzberg: doesn't
Jeremy Spitzberg: cross from citeh, tevez gets no where near it
Jeremy Spitzberg: but they get the ball back and build again
Jeremy Spitzberg: richards bumps jova off thte ball and they play again
Jeremy Spitzberg: cross that toure doesn't get to
Jeremy Spitzberg: but agger concedes the corner
Jeremy Spitzberg: all citeh
Jeremy Spitzberg: AC
Jeremy Spitzberg: aj cross/shot that reina claims
Jeremy Spitzberg: torres to ngog but barry cleans out him and then kuyt
Jeremy Spitzberg: agger from way out clears row zed
Jeremy Spitzberg: Roy NOT happy
Jeremy Spitzberg: balotelli with a HOTTIE
Jeremy Spitzberg: in the stands
Jeremy Spitzberg: swp, given and k2 looking bored at best
Neal Thurman: maybe they should hang out with Balotelli ;-)
Jeremy Spitzberg: http://www.boxofficefootball.com/wag-of-the-week-mario-balotellis-girlfreind-melissa-castagnoli/
Jeremy Spitzberg: ngog padding hart's stats again
Jeremy Spitzberg: no threat at all
Jeremy Spitzberg: 5 defenders around AJ and citeh keep the ball
Jeremy Spitzberg: but goal kick as AJ can't get to a ball hit over the top
Neal Thurman: just not going well for LIV, huh?
Jeremy Spitzberg: gj overlap... cross... cleared... citeh break
Jeremy Spitzberg: toure... tevez... milner... aj... shot wide
Jeremy Spitzberg: did reina touch it? either way it was going wide
Jeremy Spitzberg: here they come again
Jeremy Spitzberg: it may be a defensive lineup..
Jeremy Spitzberg: but it's a very direct approach
Jeremy Spitzberg: ngog loses out on 1/2 to 3 citeh players
Jeremy Spitzberg: #outnumbered
Jeremy Spitzberg: nifty footwork from tevez and it's another citeh corner
Jeremy Spitzberg: milner to take
Jeremy Spitzberg: richards... wide
Jeremy Spitzberg: run across beat agger but couldn't direct the header
Jeremy Spitzberg: citeh with 63% of posession
Jeremy Spitzberg: feels like more
Jeremy Spitzberg: skrtel flattens yaya
Jeremy Spitzberg: holding his head but likely just got ehe wind knocked out
Jeremy Spitzberg: GJ does a step over outside the center circle and the ball goes out for a throw
Jeremy Spitzberg: classic and Roy is PISSEd
Jeremy Spitzberg: gerrard snap shot balooned over
Jeremy Spitzberg: he had torres to his right
Jeremy Spitzberg: jova finds torres this time
Jeremy Spitzberg: lays it back for gerrard...
Jeremy Spitzberg: same result
Jeremy Spitzberg: roy happier
Jeremy Spitzberg: thumbs up from him
Jeremy Spitzberg: again liv lose posession on halfway
Jeremy Spitzberg: bailed out by a foul call
Jeremy Spitzberg: finally someone - torres - beats lescott for pace
Jeremy Spitzberg: but kompany clears
Jeremy Spitzberg: throw
Jeremy Spitzberg: GJ looking like a lost Milli Vanilli with dreds in a loose pony tail
Jeremy Spitzberg: 1/2 time
Neal Thurman: wow - go rest your fingers or get them massaged or something
Jeremy Spitzberg: i'm typing angry now
Second Half
Jeremy Spitzberg: teams are on the pitch
Jeremy Spitzberg: let's see if anything different happens
Jeremy Spitzberg: hart on what, 14pts?
Neal Thurman: did he get a 2nd save?
Jeremy Spitzberg: clean sheet, win, 2 saves
Jeremy Spitzberg: both puff jobs from ngog
Jeremy Spitzberg: (and yes, i'm working the jinx now)
Jeremy Spitzberg: (or at least trying)
Neal Thurman: lol
Jeremy Spitzberg: liv passing it across their own box #dangerous
Jeremy Spitzberg: milner is 13
Jeremy Spitzberg: fyi
Jeremy Spitzberg: and fwiw
Jeremy Spitzberg: and they are @sunderland
Neal Thurman: yeah - too expensive
Jeremy Spitzberg: over the top for ngog and hart gathers easily
Jeremy Spitzberg: here come citeh
Neal Thurman: I'm definitely "In" on Citeh next weekend but not Milner
Neal Thurman: hoping for Balotelli
Jeremy Spitzberg: have silva, but he's bored next to k2
Jeremy Spitzberg: lescott beats gj
Neal Thurman: I have Silva too but am likely to be looking for a replacement once prices change (round 2 w/ MPet?)
Jeremy Spitzberg: that shouldn't happen
Neal Thurman: why? GJ can't defend
Jeremy Spitzberg: he was attacking
Neal Thurman: oh, then yeah
Jeremy Spitzberg: good pass from jova just to square for ngog and citeh clear
Jeremy Spitzberg: better
Jeremy Spitzberg: hart smothers an agger cross
Jeremy Spitzberg: no real danger
Jeremy Spitzberg: liv actually holding the ball a bit
Jeremy Spitzberg: lucas touches the ball on goal
Jeremy Spitzberg: hart saves
Neal Thurman: save?
Neal Thurman: woohoo
Jeremy Spitzberg: not entirely sure
Jeremy Spitzberg: but likely
Jeremy Spitzberg: weak tea
Neal Thurman: I'm good with that
Neal Thurman: points with very little risk
Jeremy Spitzberg: citeh corner
Jeremy Spitzberg: tevez had milner unmarked in the box but didn't look up
Jeremy Spitzberg: eventually came to aj and his shot was blocke
Jeremy Spitzberg: d
Jeremy Spitzberg: milner to take
Jeremy Spitzberg: goal
Jeremy Spitzberg: richards header
Jeremy Spitzberg: did it cross or did tevez finish?
Neal Thurman: wow, all the points going to unlikely sources
Jeremy Spitzberg: tevez, standing in front of reina and the ball megs the keeper
Jeremy Spitzberg: not sure if tevez hit it or not
Neal Thurman: early returns make the Milner for Ireland trade look pretty strong for Citeh
Neal Thurman: Villa collapses and Citeh look to be beating a top half team
Jeremy Spitzberg: milner tracking back to help lescott on D
Jeremy Spitzberg: #shift
Jeremy Spitzberg: bbc giving the goal to tevez
Jeremy Spitzberg: and here comes city
Jeremy Spitzberg: bbc dithering
Jeremy Spitzberg: richards likely
Jeremy Spitzberg: free kick for liv; richards on torres. crap call
Jeremy Spitzberg: gerrard over it
Jeremy Spitzberg: low and into the wall
Neal Thurman: wonder if the difference between results with this formation is a) Milner/AJ vs. Silva/SWP; b) speed of opposing defenders; or c) home vs. away
Jeremy Spitzberg: shoots! hart just made 3 awesome saves
Jeremy Spitzberg: pushed gerrards shot on to the post and stones two follow ups
Jeremy Spitzberg: and citeh break from the corner
Neal Thurman: get to know him
Jeremy Spitzberg: fuck me
Jeremy Spitzberg: now richards really does hack torres and he goes in the "naughty" column
Jeremy Spitzberg: can hart keep making six seven saves a match?
Jeremy Spitzberg: damn
Jeremy Spitzberg: that was one hell of a sequence
Jeremy Spitzberg: if tevez hit the ball he did it with his trailing leg
Neal Thurman: Hart seemed to make that many saves for Brum every match last year and seems more likely to get wins/CSs this season
Jeremy Spitzberg: richards huge in D today
Jeremy Spitzberg: (unless that was kolo, my screen is small)
Jeremy Spitzberg: milner taking another corner
Jeremy Spitzberg: nothing
Neal Thurman: can we end this now?
Jeremy Spitzberg: only 2 saves as he missed the first one that hit the post
Jeremy Spitzberg: but still
Jeremy Spitzberg: damn
Jeremy Spitzberg: and grrr
Jeremy Spitzberg: i might have to suck it up and get hart
Jeremy Spitzberg: keeper roulette just not a good idea
Jeremy Spitzberg: even for $3 less
Jeremy Spitzberg: PK
Jeremy Spitzberg: sktrl trips AJ, i t hink
Jeremy Spitzberg: late
Jeremy Spitzberg: easy call
Jeremy Spitzberg: tevez to take
Jeremy Spitzberg: reina goes the wrong way
Jeremy Spitzberg: he's going to be cheap ;-)
Neal Thurman: yeah and with a nice match-up
Jeremy Spitzberg: also BBBF
Jeremy Spitzberg: though not as nice a matchup
Neal Thurman: exactly, thought about that but then, no
Jeremy Spitzberg: seba taking kicks for BRM this year?
Jeremy Spitzberg: hmm...
Jeremy Spitzberg: @bol
Jeremy Spitzberg: or mpet home to brm
Jeremy Spitzberg: hmm ;-)
Neal Thurman: lots of options
Jeremy Spitzberg: just need to save enough to get rid of faubert
Jeremy Spitzberg: walcott?
Jeremy Spitzberg: torres shoots wide
Neal Thurman: lol
Jeremy Spitzberg: wavering on barton
Jeremy Spitzberg: god I hate myself
Neal Thurman: lol
Neal Thurman: for picking him up or ditching him?
Jeremy Spitzberg: picking
Neal Thurman: even more so with the 'stache presumably gone
Jeremy Spitzberg: milner wins another corner b/c gj sucks and carra is slow
Neal Thurman: back line is going to be LIV's downfall all year - esp if Masch indeed does one to Barca/Inter
Jeremy Spitzberg: babel on for torres
Neal Thurman: could we have another 6-0 on our hands? I think CHE were only up 3-0 at this point in the match yesterday
Jeremy Spitzberg: capitulation
Neal Thurman: seems to be the score of the season
Jeremy Spitzberg: babel..
Jeremy Spitzberg: deflected shot..
Jeremy Spitzberg: saved
Jeremy Spitzberg: should have played a ball across much earlier
Jeremy Spitzberg: had support
Jeremy Spitzberg: stockdale/faubert/lennon to hart/kos/walcott
Jeremy Spitzberg: for now
Jeremy Spitzberg: kolarov in a nice cast
Jeremy Spitzberg: no hurry to pick him back kup
Neal Thurman: line-ups must be looking pretty similar as I think I have all of Hart/Kos/Walcott (for now)
Jeremy Spitzberg: hart bale oshea kos floma silva scholes walcott drogs chamwow carroll
Jeremy Spitzberg: silva to barton
Jeremy Spitzberg: i hate myself
Neal Thurman: and that makes it an exact match
Neal Thurman: (Silva to Barton that is)
Jeremy Spitzberg: lol
Jeremy Spitzberg: subject to change
Neal Thurman: of course
Jeremy Spitzberg: theo, chamwow, barton on the bubble
Jeremy Spitzberg: scholes too
Jeremy Spitzberg: zab and jo on
Jeremy Spitzberg: for yaya
Jeremy Spitzberg: and...
Jeremy Spitzberg: tevez
Neal Thurman: Jo to...
Jeremy Spitzberg: pacheco on for jova
Jeremy Spitzberg: 5 mins left
Jeremy Spitzberg: K2 2?
Jeremy Spitzberg: this game has been crying out for Fabio Aurelio
Neal Thurman: really?
Jeremy Spitzberg: wonder what ever happened to him
Jeremy Spitzberg: what, he's on the bench?
Jeremy Spitzberg: width
Jeremy Spitzberg: half decent crosser of the ball
Jeremy Spitzberg: citeh with too much in the middle of the park
Neal Thurman: what can it hurt? LIV not playing any D with Agger back there so why not I guess
Neal Thurman: or would you have subbed him for an attacker?
Jeremy Spitzberg: lucas/gerrard non-existent
Jeremy Spitzberg: no, agger out
Jeremy Spitzberg: if i had my druthers
Jeremy Spitzberg: or brought in a third central middie
Jeremy Spitzberg: poulsen on the bench too
Jeremy Spitzberg: seconds left
Jeremy Spitzberg: and that's it
Neal Thurman: woohoo!
Jeremy Spitzberg: damn you
Jeremy Spitzberg: there goes any chip i got out of theo
Neal Thurman: I don't know about all that but certainly helps minimize the damage
Jeremy Spitzberg: we'll see if y! ever updates
Jeremy Spitzberg: but i'm out
Jeremy Spitzberg: yay meetings!
Neal Thurman: enjoy
Neal Thurman: thx for the updates
Hehe! Thanks! Gotta remeber to get here a little sooner than half-time. ;)
ReplyDeleteIs Hart worth a BD at 8.83 over Foster at 5.18, kind of weakens the rest of my offense (the difference between a good MF and a cheap 5.00 mid? I have had Foster for two weeks. Thanks, first time YFF player (YFF seems to be a mess).
I don't know if Hart can pull of six-eight great saves per week. But right now I'm leaning towards getting off the cheaper keeper carousel. There are enough $5-6 middies out there to make it happen.
ReplyDeleteHart is a steal at 8.83. He will be at peak Cech/EVS production this season.
ReplyDeleteYahoo refuses to put in score PLUS they have reset half of the players back to their original values. I sold Hart after starting him this week (To BD other players) only to find out the goons at Yahoo have basially reset most of the player values. I was able to BD everyone AND keep Hart.
If you got off to a rocky start this season or are just looking to significantly strengthen your squad, take advantage of the current prices ASAP. Epic teams can be built with the prices reset right now. Once they ever put up the scores, that window will slam close and opportunity missed.
BTW, Yahoo! is a joke. The game losses its appeal if you can Barn Door players on Tuesday or restock your entire team to original prices a couple weeks in. Totally ruins the strategy of getting in on players early.
might i remind you, that last year at this time we all had a huge crush on shay given and considered him a season keeper then they starting giving up goals. i was an idiot and kept him til november. i think that city has played like arsenal. tight in their one away game to a good opponent and dominant at home against a weaker opponent.
ReplyDeletebut then greginho..this time its hart & mancini is playing with 3 defensive middie to cover the back 4
ReplyDeleteHart's price is most likely going to go really high on the update. He's 8.33 right now, 23 points gw1 then gw2 a win(4pts) + a CS(6pts) + 5 saves(10pts) so that's prob 20 points there so about 21.5 avg. but all the hot players are going to have crazy averages, so maybe it did make HAL crash or something. either way, i grabbed Hart since i believe his price will jump and some of the players prices will be very high... but who knows, maybe yahoo's old 7 game rule will be in effect, so it kind of spreads out the damage. should be interesting, but consider Yahoo's La Liga with players like Messi 37.xx price, maybe Hart,Drogba,Malouda will be quite expensive. Bottom line is they put up the points they did and it was fair and square with the rules in place, so it's just a question of yahoo dealing with an possible software failure of too high points, but that's all just baseless conjecture.
ReplyDeletegreginho, i think you are right in some sense, especially now with their new defenders injured, they still might be shaky at the back, but Hart has made some great saves and seems to be brimming with confidence. Add to that Citeh's pretty padded schedule and he could be a decent pick, but you just never know. I was going to stick it out with Foster and hope for the best since B'ham has a nice schedule, but ponyed up for Hart.
VDS 14.32 (1 CS,10 saves)
ReplyDeleteCech 11.76 (2 CS, 6 saves)
Gomes 11.71 (1 CS, 7 saves)
Hart 8.83 (2 CS,13 saves)
Jussi 6.28 (1 CS,11 saves,1 pen save)
Stockdale 5.59 (1 CS,12 saves,1 pen save)
Gilks 5.59 (1 CS,11 saves,1 pen save)
[i joined the FFS member area, opta stats are fun]
This is the last straw for me, Yahoo take the piss with their lax treatment of the FF. I have entered a team on the official site and have deleted my Yahoo team. There is therefore 1 free space on AM Blog League 2 and Beat the Bloggers 5. Good luck to all.
Seems as though Yahoo is directing resources to the video content (which has rendered the site pretty well useless for those of us living outside the UK) at the expense of the fantasy game. Really unimpressed.
ReplyDeleteSo Andy Carroll picks up nigh-on 40 points and yet he only goes up to 6.16 in price?! most pointless BD ever...
ReplyDeleteI take it back, he's shot up to 11.34!