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Everton game postponed - News Articles - Tottenhamhotspur.com
Following ongoing discussions with the necessary authorities regarding this weekend's Premier League home match against Everton, it has now been confirmed that this fixture will be postponed due to safety concerns relating to infrastructure of the High Road and access to the stadium caused by last Saturday's riots.This was a stay-away match for fantasy anyway, but sad to see it be cancelled for the fans. No word yet on the other matches, but we'll update this post as needed.
UPDATE: All other matches cleared to be played.
The other nine games scheduled for the opening round of fixtures will go ahead as planned, the Premier League has confirmed.
A statement read: "Following on-going discussions with the Metropolitan Police, statutory authorities and clubs in London, the Premier League can confirm that, aside from the postponed Tottenham Hotspur v Everton match, all League games in the capital will go ahead as scheduled this weekend.
noob question: will i get 0 points this week for my spurs players?