
We here at the fantasy blog have always considered ourselves fairly enlightened when it comes to technology and social media.  We may not be bleeding edge but between the blog, a fairly active Facebook page, the live chats on (most) EPL Saturdays, and our day jobs (we're both gainfully employed because we know more than a little about the Interwebs) we feel pretty good about our social media chops.  That said, the one social media channel that we've lagged behind on is Twitter.  In an effort to remedy this, I'm trying to tweet more frequently (almost entirely but not exclusively on soccer-related topics).  If you're interested in following me, you can find me at @nealjthurman.

Since I haven't asked Jeremy if he's interested in having his Twitter account shared, I'll let him read and either post a similar note or post his in the comments section here - hint ;-)
@jspitzberg (hint taken).  I've also created a Fantasy EPL list that you can see on the right-hand side of the blog.  You can follow it directly at

Cheers - Neal

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