The Barn Door Live - Week 3 (running late)


  1. Do you guys have an official BPLFF private league for readers of your blog?

  2. Adam from Portland... check out the Beat the Blogger groups to the right. 5 should still have spots available.

  3. Proudly been getting crushed in BtB5 for a couple of years now (currently 97th of 100... it's not easy being that bad that consistently, but we do our best...)

    I've just heard some occasional references to performance of teams in "other" game every now and then, and wondered if you had gotten a league together over there, too.

  4. Ah... If if makes you feel better, I'm 93 and 78 in BtB 3 and 4, respectively. We're all Yahoo all the time but I know a lot of readers do play other games. Anyone got a private league for Adam?
