Our live, minute-by-minute (almost) reactions to the first half of the USA/France Women's World Cup Semi-final.
Jeremy Spitzberg: let's go, USA!
Neal Thurman: happy to be back home in the office to be able to watch - wouldn't have been so lucky if I were still in Indy
Jeremy Spitzberg: ;-)
Jeremy Spitzberg: we don't get espn3 anymore :-(
Jeremy Spitzberg: but found an okay feed
Neal Thurman: firewall?
Jeremy Spitzberg: recording at home, just in case
Jeremy Spitzberg: provider?
Jeremy Spitzberg: dunno
Neal Thurman: got it
Jeremy Spitzberg: women keepers should just stay on their line
Jeremy Spitzberg: #justsaying
Neal Thurman: agreed
Neal Thurman: nice calm defending on a solid French opportunity
Jeremy Spitzberg: phew
Jeremy Spitzberg: indeed
Neal Thurman: yipe
Jeremy Spitzberg: #gulp
Neal Thurman: She's cute
Jeremy Spitzberg: agreed
Jeremy Spitzberg: 3 chances in a row
Jeremy Spitzberg: and it's been all france save for our one counter
Jeremy Spitzberg: was afraid of this
Jeremy Spitzberg: too much emotion after brazil
Neal Thurman: you were saying?
Jeremy Spitzberg: reverse jinx!
Jeremy Spitzberg: works every time
Neal Thurman: Love the reverse jinx
Neal Thurman: need to get him playing for ARS this season ;-)
Jeremy Spitzberg: oreilly on the left?
Jeremy Spitzberg: odd to root for a cheney
Jeremy Spitzberg: #usedthatjokeontwitteralready
Neal Thurman: ha
Neal Thurman: lots of different things going on on my monitor right now - Yoono, ESPN3, AIM, and a proposal
Jeremy Spitzberg: stream, email, pdf, browser
Jeremy Spitzberg: im
Jeremy Spitzberg: #multitasking
Jeremy Spitzberg: not really
Neal Thurman: no, not really
Jeremy Spitzberg: mostly watching
Neal Thurman: great idea but JUST a little too much
Jeremy Spitzberg: women keepers should just stay on their line
Neal Thurman: I heard that somewhere
Jeremy Spitzberg: how was that not a foul?
Jeremy Spitzberg: #tinyscreen
Neal Thurman: maybe the ref from Sunday is pulling the strings - the story of her incompetence was completely buried because we ended up winning but she was insanely bad
Neal Thurman: tough call between Solo and #14 for France :-) similar looks
Jeremy Spitzberg: ha
Neal Thurman: I really liked Julie Foudy as a player but she really needs to shut up if the USWNT ever wants anyone to take them seriously
Jeremy Spitzberg: she's surprisingly not of the "we" variety of announcer
Jeremy Spitzberg: #kylemartino
Jeremy Spitzberg: but yes, she needs to leave some moments alone
Neal Thurman: agreed but she takes every opportunity to make the team feel like U13 soccer camp and not the #1 team in the world
Jeremy Spitzberg: well, soccer camp is her business now
Neal Thurman: I'm sure
Jeremy Spitzberg: somewhat
Neal Thurman: and I saw someone on Twitter had suggested a drinking game where everyone would have to drink anytime Julie/Tony/Brandy mentioned 1999 so Liz and I tracked it on Sunday #WouldHaveBeenHammered
Jeremy Spitzberg: who was naked for a german newspaper?
Neal Thurman: three French players (two forwards and the keeper - good bits covered up of course)
Neal Thurman: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://images.theage.com.au/ftage/ffximage/2009/08/31/svSPLIFE_narrowweb__300x183,0.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.theage.com.au/news/sport/a-blue-not-on-your-life-says-goal-umpire/2009/08/31/1251570665489.html&usg=__KHgJiJsSoJihALwcyRhzXvWpXQs=&h=183&w=300&sz=24&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=eUWzs-LXAC4pDM:&tbnh=115&tbnw=189&ei=wsYdTtWSF4XW0QGVh8jkBw&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dfrench%2Bwomen%2527s%2Bsoccer%2Bteam%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26biw%3D1056%26bih%3D775%26tbm%3Disch&um=1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=504&page=1&ndsp=16&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0&tx=84&ty=68&biw=1056&bih=775
Jeremy Spitzberg: too classy
Neal Thurman: yup - but I'm sure it drove page views like crazy
Jeremy Spitzberg: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.smashinglists.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/Brandi-Chastain2.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.smashinglists.com/10-hottest-soccer-girls/&usg=__pfSOkbMM6iHSmY_XgPZNcrAnSrQ=&h=521&w=293&sz=26&hl=en&start=0&sig2=QzDs4EW-8AdGh4TY3M_UKw&zoom=1&tbnid=aXp48WquTFQ2cM:&tbnh=154&tbnw=102&ei=58YdTq2tIoPCsAOQ5dinDA&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dchastain%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DX%26biw%3D1062%26bih%3D659%26tbm%3Disch%26prmd%3Divns&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=850&vpy=15&dur=497&hovh=243&hovw=142&tx=70&ty=164&page=1&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:17,s:0&biw=1062&bih=659
Jeremy Spitzberg: and been done before
Neal Thurman: close
Jeremy Spitzberg: d'oh
Jeremy Spitzberg: bah.. head it the way you are moving
Jeremy Spitzberg: don't flick it!
Jeremy Spitzberg: #stayonyourline
Neal Thurman: nice move by Wambach - don't usually see that sort of move from your target forward
Jeremy Spitzberg: love the "i'm going to put on the brakes and he's going to blow right by me" move
Neal Thurman: not sure how I felt about Solo getting off her line there
Neal Thurman: worked
Jeremy Spitzberg: good move on the ground #cuttheangle
Neal Thurman: y
Jeremy Spitzberg: #stayonyourfeet
Neal Thurman: yikes
Neal Thurman: #lucky
Jeremy Spitzberg: #angle
Jeremy Spitzberg: #cleanliving
Neal Thurman: French for Roberto Carlos
Jeremy Spitzberg: USA needs possession
Jeremy Spitzberg: been our achilles heel all tournament
Jeremy Spitzberg: can't get it
Jeremy Spitzberg: can't keep it
Jeremy Spitzberg: if it weren't for that admittedly perfect cross...
Jeremy Spitzberg: that's how we would remember rapinoe's performance
Jeremy Spitzberg: #sloppy
Jeremy Spitzberg: is this long-range shooting part of the plan?
Jeremy Spitzberg: seems like it's not working
Jeremy Spitzberg: #possession
Jeremy Spitzberg: ARGH
Neal Thurman: missed the last 6 or 7 minutes with the bossman checking in
Neal Thurman: looked like we had a reasonable chance on a header back across goal
Jeremy Spitzberg: yes
Jeremy Spitzberg: france put in about 6 long range efforts
Jeremy Spitzberg: some on, some off
Neal Thurman: any close?
Jeremy Spitzberg: we're getting worked in central mid
Jeremy Spitzberg: but finding outlets on the flanks, occassionally
Jeremy Spitzberg: "live" text post at halftime?
Neal Thurman: sure - what do you propose?
Jeremy Spitzberg: c/p this chat, of course
Neal Thurman: :-)
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