Jeremy Spitzberg: cos?
Neal Thurman: trying to decide, is it on ESPN3?
Jeremy Spitzberg: of course
Neal Thurman: the quarterfinals on Saturday weren't for some reason :-(
Neal Thurman: so then no COS :-)
Jeremy Spitzberg: b/c they were on ABC
Neal Thurman: in any event, I'm in baby :-)
Neal Thurman: Harkes? Really?
Jeremy Spitzberg: ha
Jeremy Spitzberg: i'm struggling to get sound
Jeremy Spitzberg: there we go
Jeremy Spitzberg: bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Neal Thurman: and that's just Harkes-y
Jeremy Spitzberg: lol
Neal Thurman: got to love the two unis, classic
Jeremy Spitzberg: none of this brazil in blue
Jeremy Spitzberg: oooooo
Neal Thurman: wow
Jeremy Spitzberg: kuyt close to making my picks look real good
Neal Thurman: :-)
Jeremy Spitzberg: well, picking him
Neal Thurman: I didn't even bother
Jeremy Spitzberg: harkes buying into the "kuyt first name on teamsheet" business
Jeremy Spitzberg: really?
Jeremy Spitzberg: would be one of the first eleven names, sure
Neal Thurman: well, it does come before Robben, Sneijder, van der Vaart, van Bommel in the alphabet ;-)
Jeremy Spitzberg: so does afleew and elia
Jeremy Spitzberg: but
Neal Thurman: well, yes, but they're not going on the team sheet at all ;-)
Jeremy Spitzberg: nice from pereira
Jeremy Spitzberg: oh, and evidently the dutch had a good team in the 70s
Jeremy Spitzberg: you may not have heard
Neal Thurman: I had no idea
Jeremy Spitzberg: kuyt again making things happen
Neal Thurman: wow, only a little offside there
Jeremy Spitzberg: cavani not very impressive this tourney
Jeremy Spitzberg: but close
Jeremy Spitzberg: i guess this is his chance to make a name
Neal Thurman: his name has certainly been all over the rumor mill (Spurs among others) so someone must be expecting something
Neal Thurman: Forlan in a good space (albeit offside)
Neal Thurman: cloes on replay
Neal Thurman: ouch - RVP out until Xmas with a broken hip on that one
Jeremy Spitzberg: NED defender just quick enough
Jeremy Spitzberg: (on forlan's offsides)
Jeremy Spitzberg: just
Jeremy Spitzberg: boul into a bit of a dead end...
Jeremy Spitzberg: but good of him giving width
Neal Thurman: at least he didn't kill anyone
Neal Thurman: nice steal by RvP but he could have really used a right foot there
Jeremy Spitzberg: ha
Jeremy Spitzberg: wow
Neal Thurman: W
Neal Thurman: O
Neal Thurman: W
Jeremy Spitzberg: wow
Jeremy Spitzberg: wow
Jeremy Spitzberg: wow
Jeremy Spitzberg: wow
Jeremy Spitzberg: did i mention
Jeremy Spitzberg: wow
Neal Thurman: who'd have guessed that?
Neal Thurman: talk about some Brilliant Orange
Neal Thurman: Oranje
Neal Thurman: whatever
Jeremy Spitzberg: and all I care about is who got the kc ;-)
Neal Thurman: HA
Jeremy Spitzberg: de zeeuw?
Jeremy Spitzberg: phwo!!!!!!!!!!!
Jeremy Spitzberg: what a shot
Neal Thurman: mmm - hot dutch girls
Jeremy Spitzberg: sitting on their dutch butts
Neal Thurman: lol
Jeremy Spitzberg: "he often visits the turf, Robben"
Neal Thurman: HA
Jeremy Spitzberg: OUCH
Jeremy Spitzberg: boot the face
Neal Thurman: yeah, not good times at all
Neal Thurman: going to end up looking like Kuyt
Jeremy Spitzberg: taking the break to move to the big screen
Neal Thurman: enjoy
Neal Thurman: huge D
Neal Thurman: Bergkamp would have turned that successfully ;-)
Jeremy Spitzberg: says you
Neal Thurman: how did Atletico suck so badly with all those good players? Heiti, Nando, Forlan, etc
Jeremy Spitzberg: zidanes y pavons
Neal Thurman: lot of talent but apparently no results
Jeremy Spitzberg: or maybe a drop off from the talent to the not so talent
Jeremy Spitzberg: not to mention just crazy ownership
Jeremy Spitzberg: jesus gil, i think it was
Neal Thurman: agreed on both points
Neal Thurman: hard to be the second team in a big city that already has one dominant team unless you happen to have an ass-load of oil money backing you up
Jeremy Spitzberg: like a mutant russian mark cuban?
Jeremy Spitzberg: i know, i know...
Jeremy Spitzberg: oil wealth
Jeremy Spitzberg: let's stay topical
Neal Thurman: I think mutant russian mark cuban made his money in oil
Neal Thurman: or at least that was one of the ways
Neal Thurman: There's that man again
Jeremy Spitzberg: have we mentioned "wow" yet?
Neal Thurman: I repeat, man of the tournament thus far (except KPB)
Jeremy Spitzberg: lol
Jeremy Spitzberg: of course
Neal Thurman: should have had that
Jeremy Spitzberg: just leaning
Neal Thurman: yup
Jeremy Spitzberg: well, lost the CS from him
Jeremy Spitzberg: but still
Jeremy Spitzberg: wow
Neal Thurman: have to just tip your hat after that
Neal Thurman: concede fantasy points (begrudgingly)
Jeremy Spitzberg: have forlan, so it was the only way to go ;-)
Jeremy Spitzberg: hedge
Neal Thurman: mosdef
Neal Thurman: I probably should have adjusted my team but after the first 4 rounds I was far enough out that I just couldn't muster the energy with all the other stuff going on this weekend
Jeremy Spitzberg: do you have 11 players playing?
Neal Thurman: probably not
Jeremy Spitzberg: VDV?
Neal Thurman: going all-in on the attack
Jeremy Spitzberg: dezeeux seeing double
Neal Thurman: could be
Jeremy Spitzberg: thinks he's being subbed for VVDDVV
Neal Thurman: but seems like they're sacrificing some solidity just when URU is gaining some attacking steam
Neal Thurman: HA
Jeremy Spitzberg: sneijder my coffee cup
Jeremy Spitzberg: so far, no good
Neal Thurman: yeah - but like the other two goals, could be a bolt from nowhere
Jeremy Spitzberg: could be
Jeremy Spitzberg: good point about heit...
Jeremy Spitzberg: NED could have moved him up to mid...
Jeremy Spitzberg: and put in Ooijer
Neal Thurman: although that didn't work so well vs. Brazil
Neal Thurman: well, ultimately it did but certainly not without its peril
Jeremy Spitzberg: lol
Jeremy Spitzberg: i was going to say...
Neal Thurman: vdv/Sneijder seems to be like Lamps/Gerrard for England - can't get the best out of both on the same field at the same time
Jeremy Spitzberg: kuyt with no left foot
Jeremy Spitzberg: why is he over there?
Neal Thurman: if only you could combine RvP and Kuyt
Neal Thurman: that would be one bad-ass striker
Neal Thurman: (assuming you got RvP's left/style and Kuyt's right/effort)
Jeremy Spitzberg: a fragile player who works hard but never scores?
Jeremy Spitzberg: ;-)
Jeremy Spitzberg: d'oh
Jeremy Spitzberg: c'mon AP!
Neal Thurman: GVB scores one and takes one from URU
Jeremy Spitzberg: pereira is no villa
Neal Thurman: nope
Neal Thurman: Kuyt definitely a disaster on the left
Jeremy Spitzberg: can't
Jeremy Spitzberg: get
Jeremy Spitzberg: left
Neal Thurman: heh - pick up your jock boy
Jeremy Spitzberg: lol
Jeremy Spitzberg: bit of shoving
Jeremy Spitzberg: shhh, AP
Neal Thurman: dutch look fairly useless in the box when crosses come in (from either corners or the run of play)
Jeremy Spitzberg: no stupid YC, please
Jeremy Spitzberg: btw, I figured out Muller
Jeremy Spitzberg: he's the evolutionary Pat Noonan
Neal Thurman: lol
Neal Thurman: that's one hell of an evolutionary step
Jeremy Spitzberg: but you can see the ancestry
Neal Thurman: you think he's a withdrawn striker more than a pure midfielder?
Jeremy Spitzberg: i do
Jeremy Spitzberg: i don't think you want him running with the ball
Jeremy Spitzberg: rather you want him coming on to it in and around the box
Jeremy Spitzberg: draw your own klose/TT comparisons ;-)
Neal Thurman: maybe a Ljungberg (for Sweden vs for ARS)
Jeremy Spitzberg: again with the bergie allusions ;-)
Neal Thurman: (having a hard time making the Noonan comparison because of the huge disparity in talent)
Jeremy Spitzberg: granted a lot is the awkward white guy thing
Jeremy Spitzberg: but in noonan's best days with NE...
Jeremy Spitzberg: making things happen in the attack
Jeremy Spitzberg: scoring, and creating goals for others
Jeremy Spitzberg: working the space in front of the defence
Neal Thurman: understand he was a very good MLS player but barely even sniffed the US team which sort of speaks to his overall talent level - not like we were awash with potentent strikers of any type
Jeremy Spitzberg: that's the evolutionary part
Jeremy Spitzberg: not saying that noonan was ever as good as muller is
Jeremy Spitzberg: but looked kinda the same and played similarly
Neal Thurman: I'm just teasing you about the talent gap - definitely get the comparison - also imagining how much it would annoy Don Garber that I refuse to accept the MLS analogy ;-)
Jeremy Spitzberg: lol
Jeremy Spitzberg: if you hadn't just moved he'd be at your door to um, "discuss" the matter
Neal Thurman: wow - that Forlan guy is good
Jeremy Spitzberg: love the runner off the ball
Neal Thurman: glad he basically told Spurs to piss off :-)
Jeremy Spitzberg: like anyone thinks he's going to take the kick over Forlan
Neal Thurman: should have sent the runner to the other side to see if you could distract Steck into leaning the other direction
Neal Thurman: that runner just got him moving the right way
Jeremy Spitzberg: evidently forlan practices a lot
Jeremy Spitzberg: good to know
Jeremy Spitzberg: for all the kids out there
Jeremy Spitzberg: c'mon ROBBEN
Jeremy Spitzberg: argh
Neal Thurman: wow - thems were some good chances for the Dutch
Jeremy Spitzberg: sneijder open on the spot
Neal Thurman: yup
Neal Thurman: but Robben NEVER passes there
Jeremy Spitzberg: or anywhere
Neal Thurman: or anywhere
Neal Thurman: the dread midfielder wesley
Jeremy Spitzberg: rvp touch that?!?!?!
Neal Thurman: no rvp touch, just the URU defender
Jeremy Spitzberg: wow
Jeremy Spitzberg: need a new word
Neal Thurman: RVP was onside anyway (for my money)
Jeremy Spitzberg: but wow ;-)
Jeremy Spitzberg: benefit of the doubt
Jeremy Spitzberg: all comes from robben not wanting to pass
Jeremy Spitzberg: Stek just padddin his save count
Jeremy Spitzberg: padding
Jeremy Spitzberg: a bit far out for Forlan to shoot from there
Jeremy Spitzberg: No one would surrender to the Dread Pirate Westley
Neal Thurman: wow - Robben
Neal Thurman: the dread pirate Robben
Jeremy Spitzberg: from kuyt even ;-)
Jeremy Spitzberg: LOL
Jeremy Spitzberg: inconcievable!
Neal Thurman: who would have guessed that Robben would get a headed goal
Jeremy Spitzberg: Kuyt from the left, even
Jeremy Spitzberg: INCONCIEVABLE
Neal Thurman: but with his right ;-)
Jeremy Spitzberg: true
Neal Thurman: HA
Jeremy Spitzberg: ;-)
Neal Thurman: perfect form on the header
Jeremy Spitzberg: Princess Maxima?!?!
Jeremy Spitzberg: that's fantastic
Neal Thurman: definitely - hope she's not a fatty ;-)
Jeremy Spitzberg: careful
Jeremy Spitzberg: robben mimicking sneijder's headed goal celebration
Jeremy Spitzberg: so camaraderie from the dutch
Jeremy Spitzberg: will wonders never cease?
Neal Thurman: crazy
Jeremy Spitzberg: forlan coming off?
Jeremy Spitzberg: saving him for the 3rd place game?
Neal Thurman: conceding the match
Jeremy Spitzberg: _sigh_
Neal Thurman: give the kid a run out for next cycle?
Jeremy Spitzberg: dunno
Jeremy Spitzberg: ooooooo
Jeremy Spitzberg: just taken off robben
Neal Thurman: too cheeky there
Jeremy Spitzberg: harkes.. "van pear-sie"
Jeremy Spitzberg: is he irish now?
Neal Thurman: I thought he was Scottish
Neal Thurman: maybe still faking the Sheffield accent
Jeremy Spitzberg: credit to van marwick (sp?)
Jeremy Spitzberg: VDV has worked out
Jeremy Spitzberg: not that he did anything, but...
Jeremy Spitzberg: it worked out
Neal Thurman: yeah, it definitely has
Neal Thurman: and he had his moments
Neal Thurman: there's robben coming off
Neal Thurman: Elia with a late one?
Jeremy Spitzberg: give those hammies a break
Jeremy Spitzberg: a rest, sorry ;-)
Neal Thurman: lol
Neal Thurman: Elia should have taken it to goal
Jeremy Spitzberg: van bommel just broke a rib
Jeremy Spitzberg: i know that move
Neal Thurman: certainly did something bad
Jeremy Spitzberg: wrong pereira
Jeremy Spitzberg: d'oh
Neal Thurman: trying to find a politically correct way to refer to Dutch involvement in South Africa
Neal Thurman: their "colonial past" was the best they could do
Jeremy Spitzberg: rvp's face?
Jeremy Spitzberg: scary words, "elia back defending"
Neal Thurman: lots of facial issues coming out of this
Neal Thurman: wow - who'd have guessed that van Bom would get a YC for kicking the ball away instead of kicking another player
Jeremy Spitzberg: lol
Neal Thurman: wow, ref just won't blow the whistle
Neal Thurman: panic in the streets of Amsterdam
Neal Thurman: wow
Neal Thurman: wow
Jeremy Spitzberg: exhale
Neal Thurman: what a match
Neal Thurman: that was just crazy
Neal Thurman: I remember that place
Neal Thurman: a lot fewer people in it last (only) time I was there
Jeremy Spitzberg: ha
Jeremy Spitzberg: you have to give credit to espn for updating the game so quickly
Jeremy Spitzberg: 32 pts
Jeremy Spitzberg: 154overall
Neal Thurman: yeah - although the use of only the most basic of stats certainly helps
Neal Thurman: you have 154?
Jeremy Spitzberg: true
Jeremy Spitzberg: ranking
Jeremy Spitzberg: 304pts overall
Neal Thurman: nice!
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