Jeremy Spitzberg: have you put together a "real" team yet?
Jeremy Spitzberg: guess there's no hurry
Neal Thurman: check your text messages
Neal Thurman: :-)
Neal Thurman: EvdS, Boateng, Koscielny, [space for Korolev], MPet, Eth, JCole, DSilva, Chamack, new LIV striker, Roonaldo
Jeremy Spitzberg: why don't you just TELL me what movie you want to see
Neal Thurman: ?
Jeremy Spitzberg: never mind
Jeremy Spitzberg: jcole super cheap?
Jeremy Spitzberg: or you have expectations?
Neal Thurman: 7.06
Neal Thurman: cheap
Jeremy Spitzberg: too bad jovanovic is a striker
Neal Thurman: Riera already out the door, rumors that Maxi will follow - seems like they're making room for JCole - even if his stats are "Yossi-like" that's not terrible at 7
Jeremy Spitzberg: true
Jeremy Spitzberg: we'll see
Jeremy Spitzberg: emerton a middie
Jeremy Spitzberg: starting from the last page and working fwd
Jeremy Spitzberg: in case any bargains jump out at me
Jeremy Spitzberg: faubert D
Jeremy Spitzberg: which is interesting
Neal Thurman: definitely interesting
Jeremy Spitzberg: save you a buck over a transfer
Jeremy Spitzberg: zhirkov also a D
Neal Thurman: yes, I saw that, very nice if ACole leaves/gets hurt
Jeremy Spitzberg: welcome back, alan smith
Jeremy Spitzberg: david silva, first name on the team sheat at 5.40
Neal Thurman: y
Jeremy Spitzberg: page 37 of 47
Jeremy Spitzberg: a reed, sunderland mid
Jeremy Spitzberg: ha!
Jeremy Spitzberg: Adam Reed ;-)
Jeremy Spitzberg: eboue mid
Jeremy Spitzberg: ngog 5.5
Jeremy Spitzberg: hmmm
Jeremy Spitzberg: interesting enabler, depending on Torres' health
Jeremy Spitzberg: not that we even know what Hodgson will do
Neal Thurman: yeah, apparently one thing he might do is sell N'gog (according to the rumor mill)
Jeremy Spitzberg: boateng 5.7
Jeremy Spitzberg: gonna hold fire
Neal Thurman: on JBoat?
Jeremy Spitzberg: yeah
Jeremy Spitzberg: for the moment
Neal Thurman: not like he's going anywhere
Jeremy Spitzberg: i want seamus colement to start for eve this year
Jeremy Spitzberg: let's put him in for now
Jeremy Spitzberg: nudge it along
Neal Thurman: lol - think there's a chance of that happening?
Jeremy Spitzberg: i do
Jeremy Spitzberg: not a great chance...
Jeremy Spitzberg: but not too long of a shot
Jeremy Spitzberg: maybe they'll loan him back to blackpool
Jeremy Spitzberg: i dunno
Neal Thurman: I just added O'Shea (6.71) to the mix since he's been starting for ManYoo on the tour and, really, what are the other options?
Jeremy Spitzberg: rafael?
Jeremy Spitzberg: evans?
Neal Thurman: not starting in D, in M
Jeremy Spitzberg: oshea in mid?
Neal Thurman: y
Jeremy Spitzberg: like that ;-)
Neal Thurman: Fletcher is the only other midfielder who is healthy and not aged
Neal Thurman: central midfielder that is
Jeremy Spitzberg: but does fergie care about age right now?
Jeremy Spitzberg: scholes holding
Jeremy Spitzberg: valencia and nani flanking rooney
Jeremy Spitzberg: fletcher alongside scholes
Neal Thurman: that really must send shivers down the spine of attacking players, Scholes holding
Jeremy Spitzberg: giggs in the hole
Neal Thurman: perhaps, but seems unlikely to deploy that line-up against the minnows - why waste Giggs/Scholes against NUFC
Jeremy Spitzberg: first home game of the season...
Jeremy Spitzberg: it's an occassion
Neal Thurman: monday night football
Jeremy Spitzberg: cgard a middie :-(
Jeremy Spitzberg: salgado under 6
Jeremy Spitzberg: no way he can repeat last year's run
Jeremy Spitzberg: another year...
Jeremy Spitzberg: again no one interesting under $6
Jeremy Spitzberg: trevor carson, come on down
Neal Thurman: he the guy until injuries subside at SUN?
Jeremy Spitzberg: seemingly (carson)
Jeremy Spitzberg: liverpool want lyoung...
Jeremy Spitzberg: what about beye?
Neal Thurman: Beye couldn't get a spot last season seems likely Villa will continue to line up with Cuellar, Dunne, Collins, Warnock
Jeremy Spitzberg: right...
Jeremy Spitzberg: and young covering both fullback spots
Jeremy Spitzberg: oh, beye a right back
Jeremy Spitzberg: liv need left
Jeremy Spitzberg: never mind
Jeremy Spitzberg: just thinking he's got to be available
Jeremy Spitzberg: ryan taylor a middie
Jeremy Spitzberg: there he is...
Jeremy Spitzberg: jordan henderson, 6.19
Jeremy Spitzberg: one please
Neal Thurman: wow, Robbie Savage has nearly 20k Twitter followers
Jeremy Spitzberg: forward transfers are 6.4
Jeremy Spitzberg: zigic
Jeremy Spitzberg: hernandez
Jeremy Spitzberg: chamckh
Neal Thurman: if Hernandez is starting - definitely
Jeremy Spitzberg: chamakh
Jeremy Spitzberg: i'll learn to spell his name by midseason
Jeremy Spitzberg: maybe
Jeremy Spitzberg: but he comes in
Neal Thurman: would LOVE to see Cleverly get a loan deal
Neal Thurman: Chamakh is already in for me
Jeremy Spitzberg: page 20/47
Jeremy Spitzberg: jovanovic...
Jeremy Spitzberg: want to get him
Jeremy Spitzberg: but as a FWD?
Jeremy Spitzberg: let's keep going for now
Jeremy Spitzberg: foley still a staring mid for wolves?
Neal Thurman: not sure if he'll start or not
Jeremy Spitzberg: gera gets the nod, for now
Jeremy Spitzberg: been playing up front in pre-season
Jeremy Spitzberg: FWIW
Jeremy Spitzberg: under 7middie
Neal Thurman: guess it will depend on what Hughes does when he comes in :-)
Jeremy Spitzberg: brunt back
Jeremy Spitzberg: and cheap
Jeremy Spitzberg: but maybe not @che
Neal Thurman: yeah, figured Brunt would be a week 2 consideration
Jeremy Spitzberg: and there's jcole
Jeremy Spitzberg: atop page 16
Jeremy Spitzberg: with no stats from last year
Neal Thurman: yeah, seems to be common among people who changed teams
Jeremy Spitzberg: first filled is midfield...
Jeremy Spitzberg: dsilva henderson gera jcole
Jeremy Spitzberg: *gack*
Jeremy Spitzberg: i hate that
Jeremy Spitzberg: oh, as for manu mid...
Jeremy Spitzberg: what about park?
Jeremy Spitzberg: breakout season?
Jeremy Spitzberg: did i mention i hate my midfield?
Jeremy Spitzberg: benny 8.11
Jeremy Spitzberg: that's real nice if he gets a run on the che right
Neal Thurman: agreed on Benny
Jeremy Spitzberg: carew 8.19
Jeremy Spitzberg: another potential bargain
Neal Thurman: definitely
Neal Thurman: not sure what it is about him but he's always a decent bargain
Jeremy Spitzberg: home v. WHU in week 1
Jeremy Spitzberg: inconsistent
Jeremy Spitzberg: wildly
Neal Thurman: some rumors that he is being targeted
Jeremy Spitzberg: lot of guys in the 8-9 range
Jeremy Spitzberg: same as last year, i guess
Jeremy Spitzberg: modric, jarvis, doyle, evans
Jeremy Spitzberg: noble
Jeremy Spitzberg: tho 8.99
Jeremy Spitzberg: @rovers
Jeremy Spitzberg: but long term...
Jeremy Spitzberg: maybe a barn door pick
Jeremy Spitzberg: zam, pvc, given, nasri
Jeremy Spitzberg: haven't hit 9 yet
Neal Thurman: yeah, if I wanted to shift money elsewhere, I'd have gone THo but right now I can afford EvdS and he's got a great match-up week 1
Neal Thurman: theo in there somewhere
Jeremy Spitzberg: mpet great at 9.09
Jeremy Spitzberg: well, good
Jeremy Spitzberg: very good?
Jeremy Spitzberg: cole out, mpet in
Neal Thurman: was the first name on my team sheet :-)
Neal Thurman: solid match-up, player I like, good price
Neal Thurman: only question is "what happens to MTay"? BOL's best two players play the same spot
Jeremy Spitzberg: spurs mancity opener
Jeremy Spitzberg: that's an awesome match up
Jeremy Spitzberg: mpet on the right?
Neal Thurman: yeah - can't wait to see the match - not so happy for fantasy purposes
Neal Thurman: would be a shame to waste Lee who was playing pretty well last year on the right but maybe
Jeremy Spitzberg: berba 11
Jeremy Spitzberg: if only
Neal Thurman: if only he were good?
Neal Thurman: if only you were sure he'd play?
Jeremy Spitzberg: something like that
Jeremy Spitzberg: maybe more the latter
Jeremy Spitzberg: and play well
Jeremy Spitzberg: drum roll please...
Jeremy Spitzberg: tcarson, coleman, acole, figueroa, dsilva, jhenderson, gera, mpet, chamakh, rooney, anelka
Jeremy Spitzberg: subject to change ;-)
Neal Thurman: so the major difference is you spent big on a defender and two forwards where I spent on keeper and 1 forward and still have a chunk of money left over
Neal Thurman: (and both will have a move to make once Korolev is in the system)
Jeremy Spitzberg: subject to change
Neal Thurman: of course
Jeremy Spitzberg: no premium middies
Jeremy Spitzberg: that hasn't worked in years
Neal Thurman: no, but there is some potential for it to work this year - MPet can be a premium middie as could Silva
Neal Thurman: just not priced like it yet
Jeremy Spitzberg: maybe
Jeremy Spitzberg: long season
Jeremy Spitzberg: long pre-season
Neal Thurman: forgot about the German Hammer as an option, 5.40 midfielder
Neal Thurman: don't know if he'll play over Parker/Noble
Jeremy Spitzberg: or how far back
Neal Thurman: agreed but distance was always his friend
Jeremy Spitzberg: nice option, but i don't think he's a top tier pick
Jeremy Spitzberg: lol
Jeremy Spitzberg: matchup play?
Jeremy Spitzberg: a barry with villa type
Neal Thurman: makes sense, especially if his price stays low
Neal Thurman: wow, BAE over 10 to start the season?
Jeremy Spitzberg: he was $ last season
Jeremy Spitzberg: at least at the start
Neal Thurman: Spurs definitely get the award for most over-priced roster
Jeremy Spitzberg: city will be the most varied
Neal Thurman: y
Jeremy Spitzberg: though tevez under 16...
Jeremy Spitzberg: k2 ~12
Jeremy Spitzberg: could be value
Neal Thurman: who knows if either will start come the Spurs match :-)
Jeremy Spitzberg: barn door, sure
Jeremy Spitzberg: but compare tevez @16 to rooney or rvp for $3 more
Neal Thurman: agreed
Neal Thurman: although he's streaky and gets no phantom points
Jeremy Spitzberg: btw, this is SO going to be a blog roundtable
Neal Thurman: RvP and Rooney are usually decent even if they're not scoring
Jeremy Spitzberg: tevez 4th in goals, 3rd in shots, 3rd in CW (behind BFAY and Gerrard)
Neal Thurman: maybe mispeception on my part but seems like he has far more sub-5 output matches than RvP or Roonaldo
Jeremy Spitzberg: certainly started slower, but was he coming off the bench early in the year?
Jeremy Spitzberg: until robinho left, or some such
Neal Thurman: right
Jeremy Spitzberg: i'm going to miss the barn door this year
Jeremy Spitzberg: MLS soccer games on Saturdays ;-)
Jeremy Spitzberg: my MLS
Neal Thurman: can't take the iPad with you to the matches?
Jeremy Spitzberg: my boss took it :-(
Neal Thurman: d'oh
Jeremy Spitzberg: but it didn't have 3G
Neal Thurman: sounds like time to get a phone that does web
Jeremy Spitzberg: besides, what kind of father would I be?
Jeremy Spitzberg: what kind of person would I be if I bought a 3G ipad and service to trade fantasy players on saturday mornings?
Neal Thurman: one who finishes higher in the standings :-)
Jeremy Spitzberg: at the price of my soul
Neal Thurman: only if you stay on the thing the entire time you're out there - certainly not too tragic if you look in once or twice and make a move or two instead of the time you might have been socializing with the other parents - in both cases, you'd be paying less than full attention to the action on the field
Jeremy Spitzberg: for $1K?
Jeremy Spitzberg: not there yet
Neal Thurman: then get an iPhone/Droid/whatever as a replacement for your current phone, much lower cost and still allows you to make changes
Jeremy Spitzberg: or just get comfortable with the browser on my phone
Jeremy Spitzberg: or make you do it for me!
Neal Thurman: lol - either of those might work
thanks for the team info boys!!! Long Live Jacob!
ReplyDelete@Jeremy - welcome to moviephone?
ReplyDeleteNo love for Wigan players in week 1, hosting Blackpool? H-Rod at around 10 is worth a look, or Boselli as a cheaper option. Or Zog?
ReplyDelete@Dave - I had N'Zog in there until I saw this today:
was thinking the same thing as Dave. Hosting Blackpool, I'm thinking Rod @10.79 and Figueroa @7.96. Leaves a lot of room for the BD
ReplyDeletewe'll get a love offering together so jeremey can get his ipad with 3g. next season.
ReplyDeletewhy did jeremy say, "i'm going to miss the barn door this year?"
ReplyDeletei have both rodellega and boselli and am thinking of going to the wigan goalie.
my 7 year old son, loved his first fantasy game. he played the world cup. he now wants to play premier league fantasy. he just picked his team with out any help from me and he picked 4 of the same players as jeremy, kinda funny, huh?
ReplyDeletein our world cup league he finished one spot behind his dear old dad. my wife finished first, by a landslide, by picking all of the players i hate. it was tortuous seeing her team keep getting points.
If you actually read the post (!!) you'll notice that I have Figueroa on my team for week 1 (subject to change).
ReplyDeletewould i rather have charlie adam at wigan or boselli hosting blackpool. i already have rodellega, too?
ReplyDeletehallo .. how to join the private groups... missed the name and password b4
ReplyDeleteI'm with greginho - Why will you miss the Barn Door this season?
ReplyDeleteI'm currently picking Wigan and avoiding Man City new boys in Barn Door anticipation.
I'll miss the Barn Door because I'll likely be watching my daughter's games. She's almost six and will be joining her first team in a few weeks.
ReplyDeleteI'm excited, scared and clearly need adjust my priorities.
@Jeremy Sorry, missed it. There was a lot of meat in this round table.
ReplyDeletei have the same issue that popped up at the beginning of last season. my 7 year old plays early on saturday morning, then i teach english, so my barn dooring can be sporadic on saturdays.
ReplyDeleteDid it impact your season? Do you feel you are/were at a disadvantage?
ReplyDeleteMissing the barn door isn't always bad. Sometimes it can make you jump into an otherwise questionable decision.
ReplyDeletewell jeremy, i do feel it impacted me. AM and i did a reversal for the season. up until my saturdays where changed, i believe it was week 12, i was top 1200 and top 18 AM blog league, sorry, i am forgetting what place i was in the BEAT THE BLOGGERS LEAGUE. all of my picks worked.
ReplyDeleteafter my time became restricted, i got as low as 5500 and finished just above the 3000 mark and 55th in the AM blogger's league. i can not fully blame it on the lack of time, because it could have been, just that my picks where that bad. historically i had always flirted with the top 750. i usually finished around 1000th place, largely because i would keep arsenal players. AM was in 45th spot in our league when i went through my descent, and he finished top 12.
jeremy, it could have been just me, i don't want to lie. i just seemed to rush to too many decisions and barn doors. but in the scheme of things, being part of my son's life and being able to provide conversational english to brasileiros, is not the end of the world and will happily do it again.