(Red) Devil's Advocate - Introduction

Starting today, an american with way too much time on his hands living in Galway, Ireland (Me) will be posting weekly blogs (or more frequently should anything remotely worthwhile cross my mind) providing my take on Fantasy EPL.

More importantly, I will be providing a much needed dose of iconoclastic and contrarian thinking to counter the decidedly arsenal-centric world view of certain bloggers.

However, a few caveats and disclaimers - while I am currently "dominating" my fantasy EPL League, to me, football implies, helmets, shoulder pads, cheerleaders and beer in the stadiums (those pesky soccer hooligans ruin it for the rest of us). Additionally, I have only been following the premiership for less than a full season (having only watched my first start to finish soccer match last year. So I still snicker when people say "brace" or "treble" or "pitch".

So do not be stunned to see a comment such as "the United Nations muted response to the geo-political crisis in the Sudan has clearly broken the concentration of the Nigerian striker Yakubu as the humanitarian tragedy grows so I would not start him this week against that team that sounds like a fast food chain." So heed my advice with appropriate number of grains of salt. Plus, it could all be a sophisticated and sinister campaign of disinformation.

However, my NFL fantasy credentials are impeccable - having won 3 titles in 5 years of play. And perhaps more relevantly, I get all 4 Sky Sports Channels, Premiership Plus, RTE, BBC and Eurosports channels - so I get to see lots of programming.

That being said, let the games begin . . .

1 comment:

  1. fabulous introduction. welcome to the wild world of blogging. hopefully this will distract you from consistently picking Fantasy EPL winners.
