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Can't argue, but I would have to add Jari Litmanen to Fulham to the list.

Litmanen pelasi runsaan tunnin Fulhamin reservijoukkueessa

Yes, he signed on a free, but I'm not sure he ever saw the substitutes bench, much less the pitch. One gets the impression that Hodgson brought him over to help him out with some medical care rather than in any expectation that he would actually play football.


  1. So - safe to assume that we'll no longer find you at Yahoo!, based on the observation that this post isn't finding its way there? And thanks again for your insight this season (you too, Neal). Always looked forward to reading your posts, and the comments they tended to generate.

  2. Any possibility of Blogger group for Euro 2008 fantasy? ESPN has started one, and while I'm not crazy about their game in comparison to Yahoo's, at least its something.

  3. We're still on Yahoo! but I like to post here as well, especially for non-Yahoo! produced/related content.
